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A pregnant woman passes antibodies to her unborn baby through the placenta to protect against certain diseases. How long does this natural immunity last?

Advice for ParentsSee All
Each child is different, but most children need to be given clear rules about behavior. Read on for some discipline tips by age group. ...more
 Parents-to-Be Must Communicate in Advice for Parents
Few parents-to-be receive training for the much more challenging and long-term tasks--becoming good parents and remaining close and loving partners in the face of new stresses and strains as their family grows. ...more
 Put Peer Pressure in Its Place in Advice for Parents
During the teen years, peer pressure can be very strong. It can push kids to do things that they don't really want to do. This pressure can come from friends or other kids at school. But parents can counter it, if they're ready to help. ...more
Giving sweets, chips, or soda as a reward often leads to children’s overeating foods that are high in sugar, fat, and empty calories. Worse, it interferes with kids’ natural ability to regulate their eating, and it encourages them to eat when they’re not hungry to reward themselves. ...more
Anger management helps you deal with your child or grandchild in a kind and constructive way. It also sets a good example of how to handle challenging situations and work out conflicts. ...more
 Job Safety Critical for Teens in Advice for Parents
The main threats to teens are often said to involve drugs, alcohol, or car crashes. But there’s another risk most parents might not think of: work. Tens of thousands of teens are badly hurt at work each year. ...more
 Teenagers and Summer Jobs in Advice for Parents
Parents often wonder whether their child is ready to get a job. One way to answer this question is to check on the labor laws that affect children and youths. ...more
If your child is allergic to peanuts, here's what you need to know....more
Each child is different, but most children need to be given clear rules about behavior. Read on for some discipline tips by age group. ...more
 Parents-to-Be Must Communicate in Advice for Parents
Few parents-to-be receive training for the much more challenging and long-term tasks--becoming good parents and remaining close and loving partners in the face of new stresses and strains as their family grows. ...more
 Put Peer Pressure in Its Place in Advice for Parents
During the teen years, peer pressure can be very strong. It can push kids to do things that they don't really want to do. This pressure can come from friends or other kids at school. But parents can counter it, if they're ready to help. ...more
Giving sweets, chips, or soda as a reward often leads to children’s overeating foods that are high in sugar, fat, and empty calories. Worse, it interferes with kids’ natural ability to regulate their eating, and it encourages them to eat when they’re not hungry to reward themselves. ...more
Anger management helps you deal with your child or grandchild in a kind and constructive way. It also sets a good example of how to handle challenging situations and work out conflicts. ...more
 Job Safety Critical for Teens in Advice for Parents
The main threats to teens are often said to involve drugs, alcohol, or car crashes. But there’s another risk most parents might not think of: work. Tens of thousands of teens are badly hurt at work each year. ...more
 Teenagers and Summer Jobs in Advice for Parents
Parents often wonder whether their child is ready to get a job. One way to answer this question is to check on the labor laws that affect children and youths. ...more
If your child is allergic to peanuts, here's what you need to know....more
Children and the MediaSee All
 Screen Time and Children in Children and the Media
Many children watch too much digital media, which includes TV, the internet, and smart devices. Learn why too much screen time is not good for kids--and how to set limits and establish good viewing habits. ...more
 Screen Time and Children in Children and the Media
Many children watch too much digital media, which includes TV, the internet, and smart devices. Learn why too much screen time is not good for kids--and how to set limits and establish good viewing habits. ...more
Children and Difficult TimesSee All
Anger, fear, separation anxiety, a sense of abandonment, self-blame, sadness, and embarrassment are common reactions to divorce for most children. ...more
Learning about grief and how it affects your family can help you get through the difficult times together. It may even help your family grow stronger. ...more
The ultimate goal in discussing death with a dying child is to optimize his or her comfort and alleviate any fears. If the child is not ready to discuss death, the most helpful step parents can take is to wait until he or she is ready. ...more
From babies to teens, a look at how children understand death....more
Child abuse can happen in any family and in any neighborhood. Studies have shown that child abuse crosses all boundaries of income, race, ethnic heritage, and religious faith. Read on for helpful tips for stopping child abuse. ...more
 Youth Suicide in Children and Difficult Times
Suicide is when a teen causes his or her own death on purpose. Before trying to take his or her own life, a teen may have thoughts of wanting to die. Read on to learn how to recognize the warning signs, and how to get your teen help. ...more
Conflict and anger are natural parts of family life. But how you handle them makes all the difference in having good relationships with loved ones. ...more
Anger, fear, separation anxiety, a sense of abandonment, self-blame, sadness, and embarrassment are common reactions to divorce for most children. ...more
Learning about grief and how it affects your family can help you get through the difficult times together. It may even help your family grow stronger. ...more
The ultimate goal in discussing death with a dying child is to optimize his or her comfort and alleviate any fears. If the child is not ready to discuss death, the most helpful step parents can take is to wait until he or she is ready. ...more
From babies to teens, a look at how children understand death....more
Child abuse can happen in any family and in any neighborhood. Studies have shown that child abuse crosses all boundaries of income, race, ethnic heritage, and religious faith. Read on for helpful tips for stopping child abuse. ...more
 Youth Suicide in Children and Difficult Times
Suicide is when a teen causes his or her own death on purpose. Before trying to take his or her own life, a teen may have thoughts of wanting to die. Read on to learn how to recognize the warning signs, and how to get your teen help. ...more
Conflict and anger are natural parts of family life. But how you handle them makes all the difference in having good relationships with loved ones. ...more
Family MattersSee All
 All Family Time Is Quality Time in Family Matters
Quality time should be woven into our lives. As our children get older and slip away, we need to stop worrying about the extraordinary and think more about the ordinary." ...more
Finding good daycare for your child doesn't have to be difficult, if you follow this advice. ...more
 Divorce in Later Years in Family Matters
Getting a divorce is almost always painful and stressful, no matter how old or young you are. But if your marriage falls apart later in life, you may face some financial and emotional setbacks that are more difficult to recover from than when you were younger. ...more
Conflict and anger are natural parts of family life. But how you handle them makes all the difference in having good relationships with loved ones. ...more
 The Keys to a Successful Marriage in Family Matters
A marriage is based on love and respect. You, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years. ...more
If you're a single parent, you may feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do each day. Here are some ideas on finding support. ...more
While getting angry from time to time is inevitable, the way you express it isn't. Control your anger in a way that's better for both you and the people around you. ...more
Juggling the demands of work and home can be quite stressful. For your health and well-being, it is important to find a good balance between work and home responsibilities ...more
 All Family Time Is Quality Time in Family Matters
Quality time should be woven into our lives. As our children get older and slip away, we need to stop worrying about the extraordinary and think more about the ordinary." ...more
Finding good daycare for your child doesn't have to be difficult, if you follow this advice. ...more
 Divorce in Later Years in Family Matters
Getting a divorce is almost always painful and stressful, no matter how old or young you are. But if your marriage falls apart later in life, you may face some financial and emotional setbacks that are more difficult to recover from than when you were younger. ...more
Conflict and anger are natural parts of family life. But how you handle them makes all the difference in having good relationships with loved ones. ...more
 The Keys to a Successful Marriage in Family Matters
A marriage is based on love and respect. You, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years. ...more
If you're a single parent, you may feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do each day. Here are some ideas on finding support. ...more
While getting angry from time to time is inevitable, the way you express it isn't. Control your anger in a way that's better for both you and the people around you. ...more
Juggling the demands of work and home can be quite stressful. For your health and well-being, it is important to find a good balance between work and home responsibilities ...more
Just for GrandparentsSee All
You can help keep your children safe by following these precautions....more
About 4.9 million children live in households headed by grandparents. These are commonly called "grandfamilies" or "second families." Two out of three of your fellow grandparents handling this responsibility are older than 50, and the children are often under age 6. ...more
You can help keep your children safe by following these precautions....more
About 4.9 million children live in households headed by grandparents. These are commonly called "grandfamilies" or "second families." Two out of three of your fellow grandparents handling this responsibility are older than 50, and the children are often under age 6. ...more