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A pregnant woman passes antibodies to her unborn baby through the placenta to protect against certain diseases. How long does this natural immunity last?

Growth and DevelopmentSee All
 Normal Growth in Growth and Development
A child's growth not only involves the length and weight of his or her body, but also internal growth and development. ...more
Parents need to realize the rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until they are 25 years old or so. ...more
A helpful look at common developmental milestones in young babies....more
Read on to learn about the common developmental milestones for babies ages 10 to 12 months. ...more
Your child is a toddler now and very active! They can climb stairs while holding on and play with push and pull toys. ...more
Read on to learn details about common physical, speech, and other developmental milestones your child may reach at this age. ...more
Most 3-year-olds have lost the rounded tummy of a toddler. Your child can use a spoon well and can wash and dry their hands. ...more
This age is very social, and babies begin moving in much more purposeful ways....more
 Normal Growth in Growth and Development
A child's growth not only involves the length and weight of his or her body, but also internal growth and development. ...more
Parents need to realize the rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until they are 25 years old or so. ...more
A helpful look at common developmental milestones in young babies....more
Read on to learn about the common developmental milestones for babies ages 10 to 12 months. ...more
Your child is a toddler now and very active! They can climb stairs while holding on and play with push and pull toys. ...more
Read on to learn details about common physical, speech, and other developmental milestones your child may reach at this age. ...more
Most 3-year-olds have lost the rounded tummy of a toddler. Your child can use a spoon well and can wash and dry their hands. ...more
This age is very social, and babies begin moving in much more purposeful ways....more
Stages of PlaySee All
 Stages of Play in Stages of Play
Children go through distinct stages of play as they grow. Each stage is critically important to the development of the next. ...more
 Infant Play in Stages of Play
Read on for helpful suggestions for activities and toys for your baby, according to their age. ...more
 Toddler Play in Stages of Play
Read on for helpful tips to encourage play for your child....more
 Preschool Play in Stages of Play
A preschooler needs space in which to run and explore. Take them on trips to the playground, park, or beach. Encourage them to play with other children. ...more
 Stages of Play in Stages of Play
Children go through distinct stages of play as they grow. Each stage is critically important to the development of the next. ...more
 Infant Play in Stages of Play
Read on for helpful suggestions for activities and toys for your baby, according to their age. ...more
 Toddler Play in Stages of Play
Read on for helpful tips to encourage play for your child....more
 Preschool Play in Stages of Play
A preschooler needs space in which to run and explore. Take them on trips to the playground, park, or beach. Encourage them to play with other children. ...more
Promoting Intellectual GrowthSee All
Cognitive development means the growth of a child's ability to think and reason. This growth happens differently from ages 6 to 12, and ages 12 to 18. ...more
Research shows that reading regularly to young children, especially those between ages 6 months and 5 years, is central to their overall growth and development. ...more
Organized sports for children offer obvious benefits such as physical fitness and sportsmanship, but did you know that a musical education program has many of the same benefits? Music education and participation in sports are both great ways to prepare your child for future success. ...more
Cognitive development means the growth of a child's ability to think and reason. This growth happens differently from ages 6 to 12, and ages 12 to 18. ...more
Research shows that reading regularly to young children, especially those between ages 6 months and 5 years, is central to their overall growth and development. ...more
Organized sports for children offer obvious benefits such as physical fitness and sportsmanship, but did you know that a musical education program has many of the same benefits? Music education and participation in sports are both great ways to prepare your child for future success. ...more